36th International Congress of German Ophthalmic Surgery (DOC)
20th - 22nd June 2024
20th - 22nd June 2024
A look back at DOC 2024
DOC 2024 was a great success. We once again enjoyed record attendance, with more than 6,500 participants at the congress.
Over 540 speakers presented 159 lectures, 102 courses, 27 wetlabs and drylabs, 10 symposia, exceptional honor lectures and keynote lectures. A highlight was the video live surgery from the Singapore National Eye Centre with two outstanding eye surgeons (Chee Soon Phaik and Doric Wong).
The program for management and administrative staff was very varied and extremely popular.
The OAP program for ophthalmological assistants (MFAs and operating theatre nurses) was extremely multifaceted and well attended. A very comprehensive and well-organized industry exhibition regarding everything that is important in the fields of ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery today was an important part of this meeting.
I hope that you went home with a wealth of valuable impressions and insights, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many members of staff who worked so hard to organize and realize this congress. This includes my DOC team, the organizing committee and the DOC program committee. I would also like to express my special thanks to MCN for their excellent and dedicated organization.
I am looking forward to DOC 2025 in Nuremberg from 15th to 17th May 2025.
I hope to see you there! All the best and good health.
Warm regards,
Armin Scharrer
DOC 2024 was a great success. We once again enjoyed record attendance, with more than 6,500 participants at the congress.
Over 540 speakers presented 159 lectures, 102 courses, 27 wetlabs and drylabs, 10 symposia, exceptional honor lectures and keynote lectures. A highlight was the video live surgery from the Singapore National Eye Centre with two outstanding eye surgeons (Chee Soon Phaik and Doric Wong).
The program for management and administrative staff was very varied and extremely popular.
The OAP program for ophthalmological assistants (MFAs and operating theatre nurses) was extremely multifaceted and well attended. A very comprehensive and well-organized industry exhibition regarding everything that is important in the fields of ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery today was an important part of this meeting.
I hope that you went home with a wealth of valuable impressions and insights, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many members of staff who worked so hard to organize and realize this congress. This includes my DOC team, the organizing committee and the DOC program committee. I would also like to express my special thanks to MCN for their excellent and dedicated organization.
I am looking forward to DOC 2025 in Nuremberg from 15th to 17th May 2025.
I hope to see you there! All the best and good health.
Warm regards,
Armin Scharrer

NurembergConvention Center, NCC East
Exhibition Center
90471 Nuremberg

Information, organization, registration
MCN Medizinische Congress-
organisation Nürnberg GmbH
Neuwieder Str. 9, 90411 Nürnberg
Congress Team DOC
+49 (0)911 / 39316-37
+49 (0)911 / 39316-20