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General notes

37th International Congress of German Ophthalmic Surgery | NCC Ost, Nuremberg, Germany
May 15 - 17, 2025


NurembergConvention Center, NCC East
Exhibition Center
90471 Nuremberg

Scientific programming

DOC e.V.


Dr. med. Armin Scharrer, Fürth

Organization / Ticketing / Organiser

MCN Medical Congress Organization
Nuremberg GmbH
Neuwieder Str. 9
90411 Nuremberg, Germany
Tel.: ++49/(0)911/39316-57

Gender note

For reasons of better readability alone, the simultaneous use of masculine, feminine and other forms of language has been dispensed with. All references to persons apply to all gender forms. This does not imply any discrimination against the other genders, but is to be understood as gender-neutral.